It's been SO LONG since I've posted anything. Almost a month. Many things have happened!
I've started the long and tedious process of applying for uni. I'm aiming for politics at Glasgow, but failing that I'm not sure. Writing a personal statement is HELLISH. There's such a fine line between making yourself sound good and making yourself sound pretentious. However. I'll manage.
ALSO my doctor forgot to refer me back to the hospital so looks like I have to wait until October to get any sort of medical attention for this tumour on my neck. Go figure. I rarely slate the NHS - or at least I try not to, because it's free and there IS private healthcare available if you're willing to pay for a better service - but wow, you guys. Seriously. Please hurry it up.
ALSO it's officially hat season! This means its acceptable to wear a hat at all occasions. All of them. Even in class. But if you get in trouble for that, it isn't my fault. I'm currently wearing my tiger hat - I'll try and post a picture of it here but the blogger iPhone app really hasn't improved.
I went to see Anna Karenina last night! It was beautiful! I cried! A lot! Exclamation point! Seriously though, it was gorgeous. I'm afraid I don't know much about cinematography, but they filmed it in a really pretty way. Kiera Knightley was stunning, all the dresses were so beautiful, the story broke my heart (as it did when I read the book)... ahhhhhh. So today I went out and bought the book in English (because before I'd only read it in Russian) and seeing all the Russian words like 'kasha' and stuff is a little mind-messing. Kasha's a bad example. You know what I mean. Also seeing the patronymics written down is odd, but maybe that's just me.
I started off thinking I had loads to say, but as usual I've run out pretty early. Sorry folks. (no one cares.)