Monday 29 October 2012

Excuse-for-not-writing-an-essay post.

I'm supposed to be writing an essay on The Great Gatsby right now but it really isn't going well so I figured I'd type out a blog post for a bit. Woo go me.
Gatsby is definitely, definitely one of my favourite books in the world ever. It makes me sad that I can't write things in as pretty a way as Fitzgerald does, but also makes me happy that someone can/could (ie Fitzgerald). Does that even make sense? I think not.
Anyway, here are some thoughts on the book so far (wow, I've actually become a really boring old lady. I should join a book club or something):
1. I am almost relieved that Tom and Daisy got married and not Tom and Gatsby because HOW DAMN STUPID does Daisy Gatsby sound. It sounds like a children's nursery rhyme or something.
2. Daisy is so far my favourite character and I haven't really decided why. Idk she's cute. (Can Blogger please stop telling me I spelt favourite wrong. I'M BRITISH. Also SPELT IS A FUCKING WORD LEAVE ME ALONE.)
3. Jordan Baker annoys me to SHIT. She's a grumpy cow. Also I know a boy called Jordan Baker and it's a little disconcerting. He doesn't play golf.
4. I think I might call one of my children Daisy Fay. (Also Leah, Yann and Ruth. Imma have a lot of children.)
I think that's all, for now. There will be more. Don't think this is over.
On another note, can we all take a moment to appreciate the music from the Anna Karenina trailer, please? (Can we also all appreciate the Anna Karenina trailer/Anna Karenina please?) Here's a link: The music I'm talking about doesn't start until 27sec in, but it's definitely worth a listen. It's beautiful. Also, Anna Karenina as a film is b e a u t i f u l. I'm sure I've already written about it but WOW. I want to go see it again. And again. And again. I can't find a good link online (although OBVIOUSLY i would NEVER watch a film illegally online OH NO NOT I) so I need to go to the cinema to see it again REALLY REALLY SOON I NEED TO STOP WITH THE CAPITAL LETTERS OH MY GOD. Oh AND I went to see Skyfall which was actually really brilliant. I'm generally not a fan of James Bond but my family dragged me along and it was really good and I was definitely surprised by that. My stepdad bears a strong resemblance to Daniel Craig and people kept turning round and staring at him in the cinema.
Also, I went to the roller derby on Saturday and ARRG were winning until the LAST SIX MINUTES when Dundee ended up winning by like 20 points or something and I definitely did not see that coming at all. But yeah, it was excellent to watch.
ALSO, I promise not to say much about this at all, other than one word (or possibly more, we'll see how the fancy takes me): closure. Clo-suuuure. I feel a hell of a lot better about everything now. A hell of a lot better.
This is pathetic, I have nothing to write about. OH WAIT YEAH I WENT TO SEE JACK!!! He lives in Ayr which is a place I generally don't like but wow I met loads of really nice people and had such a nice time and yayyyy.
Final point: it makes me really quite sad sometimes that sexuality isn't a choice. If everything in the world was the same as it is now apart from sexuality was something that could be chosen/controlled, I wouldn't be the way I am. No way in hell. It's just... I mean, I know in Britain/Scotland we're pretty lucky in that we have so much less prejudice and hatred aimed at LGBT people but still, like, it's not nice being LGBT. I almost constantly feel a little like people are laughing at me/fetishising my sexual preference or relationship/generally undermining it. The phrase "second-class citizen" springs to mind, although I'm not sure if that's not a little harsh. I don't know. My point is: I wouldn't be gay if it was a choice and it makes me sad to think that.
That's all.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Obligatory blog update!

Hey, I'm back. I have LOADS to say.
First, the bad news: Mairi and I broke up. Or rather, she broke up with me. But that's okay, it's all okay. Admittedly, it wasn't to begin with, but it is now. I promise. That's all I'll say about it.
Also I have an atrocious cold which is miserable but also makes my voice sound HILARIOUS. I feel a little like I've been possessed by demons, and every time i cough my cats run away.
Now here's about 60 tons of good news!!!
1. I am an NYC representative! NYC is the National Youth Council, which is an elected group of people from within LGBT Youth Scotland who get together and make important things happen/represent young LGBT people in Scotland/try to make a difference etc etc. So I was elected into that last Wednesday, and I have to go on a residential trip from the 9th-11th November, and it's all pretty exciting idk woo.
2. Relating to the last good thing, now I have something to actually put on my personal statement!!! It's now 22 words long, so that's an improvement. It was at 16 last week.
3. I had my first ever Nando's and it was glorious. And then post-Nando's we went to Frisky to get froyo and there was this adorable girl working there and I almost cried because she was so cute.
4. That's all. I totally lied about the 60 tons of good news thing. There's a summary of the past month. Goodbye for now.

Friday 21 September 2012

Guys, I'm not dead! (no one cares)

It's been SO LONG since I've posted anything. Almost a month. Many things have happened!
I've started the long and tedious process of applying for uni. I'm aiming for politics at Glasgow, but failing that I'm not sure. Writing a personal statement is HELLISH. There's such a fine line between making yourself sound good and making yourself sound pretentious. However. I'll manage.
ALSO my doctor forgot to refer me back to the hospital so looks like I have to wait until October to get any sort of medical attention for this tumour on my neck. Go figure. I rarely slate the NHS - or at least I try not to, because it's free and there IS private healthcare available if you're willing to pay for a better service - but wow, you guys. Seriously. Please hurry it up.
ALSO it's officially hat season! This means its acceptable to wear a hat at all occasions. All of them. Even in class. But if you get in trouble for that, it isn't my fault. I'm currently wearing my tiger hat - I'll try and post a picture of it here but the blogger iPhone app really hasn't improved.
I went to see Anna Karenina last night! It was beautiful! I cried! A lot! Exclamation point! Seriously though, it was gorgeous. I'm afraid I don't know much about cinematography, but they filmed it in a really pretty way. Kiera Knightley was stunning, all the dresses were so beautiful, the story broke my heart (as it did when I read the book)... ahhhhhh. So today I went out and bought the book in English (because before I'd only read it in Russian) and seeing all the Russian words like 'kasha' and stuff is a little mind-messing. Kasha's a bad example. You know what I mean. Also seeing the patronymics written down is odd, but maybe that's just me.
I started off thinking I had loads to say, but as usual I've run out pretty early. Sorry folks. (no one cares.)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Chapter Twelve.

Okay whew lots of things to talk about today.
First, I'm going to start with the bad news, because then I can end with some good news.
I went to the doctor when I got back from Canada, because I had a little lump in my neck. I couldn't see it because it was toward the back, so I assumed it was an infected bug bite. The woman at the doctor's said she didn't know what it was, but I was to come back in two weeks if it didn't go away. I went back and got referred to a different doctor for two weeks after. Anyway, I went back finally to the doctor on Tuesday of this week and all of a sudden this little lump on my neck is about an inch bigger and is being called a 'tumour'. Pretty quick diagnosis, I thought, but there you go.
So they don't know if it's cancerous or what it's doing or anything. There's a high chance it could be sinister or become sinister (because of the shape of it, or something), so I need an operation to remove it. I've never had an operation before; hell, I've never even broken a bone before. I'm ashamed to say that I've fallen into the 'symptom googling' trap, which hasn't raised morale at all. However, I'm young, which means that there's less chance of complications. So y'know. That's a Big Thing.
Good news: I passed all my exams. I got a mixture of 1s, 2s and an A (apart from chemistry where I got a 3), so that's nice. Also, college started this week. It's like a part-time thing where I go on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons to do Psychology because the school doesn't run a course in it and stuff. So that's nice. I think it's going to be really interesting, although I'm not sure if it is yet.
Farewell for now~

Monday 20 August 2012

Chapter Eleven (this one is about loads of really important and interesting things and stuff).

I have LOTS AND LOTS of things to talk about. I say that now but I'll probably end up only writing one paragraph, crying because it's too short to mean anything, deleting it then crying myself to sleep because I can't consider myself a fabulous internet-famous blogger any more. And that, THAT would be a tragedy.
Basically, I need to talk about a whole lot of shit that seems to be going down on Twitter. I really can't believe I just used the phrase "going down" in that context; let's move on.
So this afternoon everyone started tweeting angry things about the government allegedly moving the legal age of consent down to 14. As in, fourteen-year-olds could seemingly now have sex with each other and that would be perfectly legal.
Okay, firstly, no. The government can't and don't just make snap decisions like that. They need to have a consultation and vote on it and there is NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that most of the government would agree to lowering the legal age of consent to that. It just.. no. NO.
My second point: when has the legal age of consent ever, ever, EVER made an iota of difference to ANYONE? When has the sentence "Sorry, I can't have sex with you, I'm underage" ever even come close to escaping a teenager's lips? NEVER. That's when.
Thirdly: the only symptom of underage sex I've ever experienced is homosexuality. There you have it, kids. Don't have sex in your early teens or you'll be gay.*
*only the case if you have sex with someone of the same gender.
To conclude: It's not happening, and nobody will pay any more attention to it if it does. But it isn't happening, so that's irrelevant.
Second on my list of interesting things:
Work today was surreal. This guy came in (I work in a hospital cafe) wheeling himself in a wheelchair - well obviously because what else would you wheel yourself in inside a hospital - and he had one foot on the ground which he was kinda dragging along. Anyway, he stopped letting his foot move for whatever reason but kept wheeling his chair and just RAN RIGHT OVER HIS OWN FOOT. I swear, I felt awful for laughing but I couldn't help it. I had to hide behind the cash register and sit on the floor and hold my stomach because it hurt from laughing. I'm definitely going to Hell after that, but I don't even care. This woman came in later on and asked for a coffee, which I gave her, then asked me if it was a cappuccino or a latte. As if I might have the power to choose her drinks for her. She only asked for a coffee.
Yeah, I had more to say but I've forgotten. Highers are horrible. I'm not going to Leeds festival and my inner (and outer) Cure obsessive is miserable about this. I want some ice cream. It's time to stop typing.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Chapter Ten.

Started school again yesterday. It was crazy as SHIT. (I left after lunch.) I'm hoping to apply to Edinburgh University after this year to study Politics/International Relations because I'm phenomenally dull. The course actually sounds sort of relevant to a career in journalism which is what I'm aiming towards, so that's nice and stuff.
I'm trying to think of even-slightly-interesting things to write here but there's nothing. NOTHING. Maybe I AM phenomenally dull.
MAIRI CAME HOME FROM CANADA YAY!!!! AND WE WENT TO SEE THE DARK KNIGHT RISES AGAIN AND I CRIED YAY!!!! And now I'm listening to the Wicked soundtrack and wailing because I was MADE for musical theatre. I'm intending to write my own musical, about a boy trapped in a musical. It'll be like HSM except with one character not participating in the spontaneous-singing thing. Next Andrew Lloyd Webber right here, errbody.
Sudden thought I just had: how come the word 'fiery' isn't spelt 'firey'? Like, how does it get from 'fire' to 'fiery'? ILLOGICAL.
It's time for me to stop typing.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Chapter- fuck it, I don't even remember.

3am blogging because I can and because fuck you that's why.
I'm home! And this time I intend on staying home, I'm not fucking off anywhere else any time soon. Other than school, but that's irrelevant. My brother starts high school soon as well. I'm getting old.
I've been thinking about a whole lot of things recently. When we were in Amsterdam, I had a load of time to just think (because my family are boring and also never talk to me) and I ended up on a very serious topic:
I think the best and worst thing about the world is that Batman - the entire "Batman" concept of a masked vigilante fighting against anarchists - could happen in the real world. I mean, it wouldn't, but the idea is (relatively) plausible. I think the main obvious difference between Marvel and DC is that DC comics and characters (at least the ones currently in the spotlight) tend to be more believable - as believable as comic book characters can be. Marvel, for example: Thor and Loki are Norse gods; Captain America was frozen in ice for 70 years; Spider-Man was bitten by a genetically mutated spider and thus gained spider powers (just for the record, we're discussing Marvel in general, not The Avengers. I wouldn't be so foolish to think that Spider-Man was an Avenger)... the list goes on. DC, on the other hand (I'll currently focus solely on Batman as the Man of Steel movie isn't out yet and don't even get me STARTED on the impracticalities of Superman): Batman is a billionaire with the resources, money and enterprise to build himself various gadgets and suits and whatnot and he fights villains which are solely from earth who believe they're doing the world a favour. It just.. I don't know. It seems somehow more likely to happen than The Avengers. Which I guess means Tom Hiddleston won't be subjugating me any time soon. Sigh.
It's now 3.25am, which means it's taken me 25 or so minutes to write a paragraph about Batman. I think that, if anything, is a sign that it's time to go to bed.