Wednesday 25 July 2012

Chapter Six.

Wahey I'm back in the UK! It stinks of cigarettes and disappointment. Currently, I'm sitting in the departure lounge of Heathrow (and will be for the next 4 hours because my flight's not until 3pm). It isn't as mobbed as I thought it would be, considering, y'know, the Games start today. That said, it is pretty busy. It took me ages to find a seat with at least one other seat either side of it to avoid proximity issues.
I'm horrendously hungry. I missed breakfast on the flight over because I was asleep - this happens every bloody time. After a very unemotional goodbye to Dad (where he told me not to take any shit from anyone and patted me on the shoulder), I cried for about 17 seconds then realised all the solitaire playing time I was wasting, so I played solitaire instead. The plane was almost completely full, apart from one seat: the seat next to me. It was bliss. I lay down on the two seats sideways to go to sleep, then fell off the seats when the plane 'experienced some turbulence'. I watched two episodes of Alcatraz, which I fear may become my new obsession. It's BRILLIANT.
As we were landing I stuck my face up close to the glass and watched London. I didn't see the big glass building which I think is a hospital which was probably the biggest disappointment of my life. We flew over a football stadium which had all these building works right next to it and all I was thinking was 'oh god, please don't be for the Olympics because that would just be so bloody British'. I feel as though the Olympics is a little like the Titanic: the rest of the (optimistic) world is watching, thinking 'haha! they said it was impossible, but this ship just can't sink!' while the British are holding on tight as the entire thing crashes and burns.
Anyway, as we were flying over, I watched all the tiny little houses and the even tinier little cars and I wondered what would happen if the pilot just decided to ruin someone's life and land on their house or something. Like, if he just made some snap decision all of a sudden to destroy something. It was strange, the houses looked like toys that I could just flick over with my finger but when I tried I just hit the glass and it was a little uncomfortable at the end of my finger for a few minutes.
Anyway. I'm hungry as fuck, I'm away to get food now.

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