Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Chapter Seven.

So, this time last week I was in Canada and all of a sudden, somehow, I'm in Amsterdam! I'm here with the other (and considerably more insane) half of my family, watching the Olympics, slightly tipsy. I've resorted to drink purely to numb the pain of family holidaying.
Amsterdam's pretty cool, but I preferred Canada. The stepfather's promised to take me to a coffeeshop some time this week, and Mother seems unfazed by the idea. Also, I'm considering getting some sort of piercing but the truth is I can't decide where. (suggestions welcome.) I've decided that this is so that I can fight my general fear of needles and embrace it, or something.
My family have become unfunny drunk. To start with, they were mildly entertaining, and now they're frustrating. I'm drowning them out by singing The Star-Spangled Banner very loudly; it isn't working. (I'm also singing it because I'm trying to teach myself lots of national anthems - so far, I know the Scottish, English/British, Canadian and almost the American one. I'm going to be like the boy in Looking For Alaska was with last words.)
Moving on. We're staying in a houseboat. It moves a little bit which is unsettling, and I'm contemplating jumping into the canal purely out of desperation.
I'm going to leave this blog post now. If I haven't written another within a week, I'm at the bottom of the Amstel river. (that's a joke.)

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